Monday, March 13, 2006


INSIDIOUS~adj~ sneaky, sly, meant to deceive or entrap, treacherous

ENGENDER~v~ to cause or exist or to develop; produce

EXACERBATE~v~ to make worse, to make more violent

GIBE~v~ to mock or ridicule
~n~ an expression of scorn or derision

GARRULOUS~adj~ tiresomely talkative, wordy and rambling

ALACRITY~n~ cheerful willlingness, eagerness

IMPLAUSIBLE~adj~ difficult to believe, provoking disbelief, not plausible

PHLEGMATIC~adj~ having or showing a slow and stolid temperament, having a sluggish temperament, unemotional

CONSECRATE~v~ to decleare or set apart as sacred, dedicated to a sacred purpose

LISTLESS~adj~ lack of interest, energy, or spirit, lethargic

ADDITIONAL 5 FOR HONORS...............

PREVARICATE~v~ to lie, to stray from or evade the truth

EXTOL~v~ to praise highly, exalt, glorify or honor

BEFUDDLE~v~ to confuse, perplex

YEN~n~ strong desire or inclination, a yearning or craving

MUTINOUS~adj~ rebellious, unruly, turbulent, uncontrollable


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