EFFERVESCENT~adj~ bubbly, producing bubbles; full of energy
AGOG~adj~ highly excited by eagerness
CONTRABAND~n~ goods smuggled into or out of a place where they are illegal
PORCINE~adj~ resembling a pig, related to a pig
EBULLITION~n~ a sudden violent outburst
VERSLIBRIST~n~ a writer of free-verse
INCIPIENT~adj~ beginning
INSIPID~adj~ dull, bland
NEBBISH~n~ a timid, meek, or ineffectual person
ADDITIONAL 5 FOR HONORS................
PRODIGIOUS~adj~ enormous in size or quantity; amazing
UNFLEDGED~adj~ not fully developed, immature
WARREN~n~ a place where rabbits live; a crowded tenement
BENIGHTED~adj~ being in a state of intellectual darkness, ignorant
TYRO~n~ a beginner, a novice
versicle-n- a short verse
peckniffian-adj- unctuously hypocritical
swank-adj- full of life or energy
floccinaucinihilipilification-n- an estimation of something as worthless, the act or habit of describing or regarding something as worthless
slugabed-n- a person who stays in bed after usual or proper time to get up