Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Methods of Characterization

Methods of characterization are how an author develops his or her characters into something memorable for the reader

1. Direct Description: when the writer comes right out and tells you information about a character

2. Actions: The actions of the character teaches the readers (and other characters) about the character

3. Speech: What the character says and how they say it gives information to the reader.

4. Thoughts: What's going on inside the character's head reveals information about the character.

5. Reactions of Others: How other characters respond to the character.

6. Relationships: Who the character's friends are.

If you weren't in class, or just forgot to write it down, this is something you may want to print out and put in your notes.

Thursday, January 26, 2006



QUISLING-n-a traitor, someone who betrays his/her country to help an invading enemy
PAINSTAKING-adj-very carefule, attentive
NEFARIOUS-adj-wicked, evil
PRECLUDE-v-to prevent
PROVINCIAL-adj-unsophisticated, countrified
RECCALCITRANT-adj-unmanageable, refusing to follow rules
SYBARITE-n-a person devoted to luxury and pleasure, a hedonist
JUXTAPOSE-v-to place side by side to compare or contrast
FECUND-adj-fertile, productive
GAMESOME-adj-merry, frolicsome
DOLT-n-idiot, stupid person
IMPECCABLE-adj-perfect, flawless
RESPLENDENT-adj- brilliant, lustrous
PERORATE-v- to lecture or give a sermon


MOROSE-adj-gloomy and bad tempered
PAINSTAKING-adj-very carefule, attentive
NEFARIOUS-adj-wicked, evil
PRECLUDE-v-to prevent
PROVINCIAL-adj-unsophisticated, countrified
RECCALCITRANT-adj-unmanageable, refusing to follow rules
RESCIND-v-to take back, cancel, appeal
JUXTAPOSE-v-to place side by side to compare or contrast
FECUND-adj-fertile, productive
SUBSTANTIATE-v-to support with proof or verify

ex. cred: GAMESOME

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tuesday 24 January

Alright, so..... hopefully this blog will prove useful to at least some of you. Here's what we have so far:

ALL CLASSES: WE HAVE INTRODUCED THE NEWEST THREE WEEK PROJECT WHICH IS TO DO SOMETHING DIFFICULT. i know, it sounds simple, and it is! THE MORE OF YOU THAT ACTUALLY DO THE PROJECT, THE BETTER IT WILL BE. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CLASS IN THREE WEEKS AND MAKE SOMETHING UP THAT WASN'T ACTUALLY DIFFICULT AT ALL. it doesn't have to be some huge life-changing activity. for example, i have certain OCD tendencies that i would like to work on, and as i start trying to maybe work outside of them, i will keep you updated with a post on this blog. thanks (in advance) for your efforts toward the completion of this project!

A Period: There will be NO QUIZ on Vocabulary 10 but don't forget your sentences. Also very exciting is the book chat that will be Thursday (hence the lack of quiz) Bring lots of snacks, and, of course, your presentation. Just in case it might have slipped you mind, you also have dialogue journals due on Thursday.

B Period: You guys have a lot of work due Thursday and should not even come to class unless you have all of the following:

F Period: Vocab sentences are due on Wednesday, Quiz will be on Friday. Your book chat will be held next Thursday if all goes as planned. Also, be working on a new writing piece if you have some time because it will most likely be due at the end of next week.

H Period: Vocabulary sentences are due on Wednesday, quiz is Friday. We will be talking about characterization in the next couple classes and eventually creating characters of our own which, i know, is VERY EXCITING!

I think that's it for now. Any questions, comments, thoughts are welcomed.

Monday, January 23, 2006


This can be a place for students to communicate about our fabulous English class. Please make sure your posts are appropriate. Thanks.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


ingenuous-adj- innocent; sincere

altruistic-adj- selfless

arduous-adj- difficult, hard

venal-adj- open to bribery or corruption

capricious-adj- changeable, whimsical

sycophant-n- flatterer, suck-up

vacuous-adj- stupid or inane, devoid of meaning

ungainly-adj- awkward, clumsy

quell-v- to suppress or quiet by force

strident-adj- loud, harsh, doscordant, grating

additional words for honors:

cherubic-adj- angelic, innocent

meddlesome-adj- interfering

reprisal-n- retaliation

ebullient-adj- enthusiastic

dogged-adj- stubborn and perservering